Friday, December 31, 2010

We made it to Rehoboth

I should talk about the weather b/c it was we went up in elevation the temps dropped. We drove up 25 and got off at Radium Springs because we thought for sure it was "Radiator Springs" from CARS. And it could have been. We followed state road 185 up to the town of Hatch. We made it to the bank 10 min. before it opened b/c Clare was convinced that 50 one dollars is worth more than a $50 bill. We were all tired of the argument so we landed at Wells Fargo on New Year's Eve and it proved to be amusing to the bank teller. Then we decided to stay south of I40 b/c we had heard parts were closed yesterday. At Socorro we went west on 60. The sky was blue and it is a beautiful drive west. As we went so came the clouds and snow up the mountain. It was a bit nerving b/c they don't plow and salt and it blows like crazy. BUT WE FOUND PIE TOWN, NM! Simply wonderful. There were 5 plates offered today and we ordered one of everything plus she made us a special yum yum and of course PIE. Blueberry and Apple/Ginger. Others stopped b/c they had been diverted from 40 going to Arizona(snowbirds)and others trying to get to Bowl Games. Big stove in the middle of the room and very friendly. We drove until we got to 36 and went right up to Gallop. It was a snow storm but it was daylight and others were out so we went slow. Abby across from our apartment invited us to Gym night at the athletic facility with the other Rehoboth families...perfect. Happy New Year.

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