Sunday, January 16, 2011

things i forgot

we had a great dinner with tracey and jeremy and family friday night before we left. we will miss them. both of them grew up in the church of christ. quote of the night: tracey says, "my dad was in kalamazoo once going door to door to witness to the dutch people." james and i looked at each other and we all laughed so hard. properly noted...the surprise will be great to see who we know in heaven! and the kleinheksels from GR drove in to volunteer for the month. we found out they are friends with the Homans...yeah! so now we are in rolla, mo. we stopped a bit on the road today and i'm glad we did. the memorial to the victims of the 1995 bombing in oaklahoma city was serene and humbling. it was 10:30am and few people downtown. explaining to the kids that there were babies, kids at a daycare, moms and dads, delivery people...starting their day. terror. terrorism. it isn't restricted to a particular region on the globe, not the color of your skin or even the political ideas you have. terror is the absence of peace. any of us have the potential for terror. we talked about the full armor of God and being careful, on watch, for the terror around us. then we drove again. we void all toll roads if possible so that put us on some great kansas back roads...long and straight and beautiful. it is time for this car ride to come full circle. james figured we can live in holiday inns for $3000/month (cable, internet, breakfast & lunch, health club, pool, rent)...sounds like a deal. the way i will feel when we pull into the parking lot and see Mr. Mastenbrook's face tuesday morning. priceless.

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